Trap Range
Trap Range Dates
The dates for 2021 leagues are set.
- Spring League is March 8th – May 24th
- Summer League is June 7th – August 16th
- Fall League is August 23th – November 8th
Work Days
- April 17th 8am to 12 noon
- July 17th 8am to 12 noon
- September 11th. Shoot from 9am to 12pm, eat at noon
League fees are $80.00 for members and $85.00 for non-members. Youth 18 and younger are $45.00. All fees to be paid by the second week of shooting, if late 10.00 penalty. No cash. Check or money order only.
Please contact Mike Reimann with any questions:
Mike Reimann, or cell (812) 431-5517
W.S.S.C. Trap Range Rules
- All members and guests must read and follow trap range rules before shooting
- No alcohol or drugs allowed on range
- Maximum shell is 3dram 1 1/8 oz shot 7 and up.
- All guns empty and breeches open when not on firing line
- When on the firing line, a shell may be in the chamber, as long as breech is open and gun is pointed in a safe direction
- When changing positions on range, gun must be empty with breech open, and pointed in a safe direction
- When persons are downrange, range is cold and all guns made safe
- Members only allowed in trap house
- To enter trap house A. Turn off thrower B. Turn on hydraulic switch C. Raise lid with controller D. Turn off hydraulic switch E. Announce clear. Make sure no one on front of house. Disengage thrower arm (left rear aluminum handle) F. Load thrower G. After exiting, turn on hydraulics, lower lid and turn off hydraulics H. If finished shooting, decock thrower, make sure all power is off. Close lid and lock
- If thrower is not working properly, do not attempt to repair Contact call list
- No horseplay of any kind. This range is for firearms training and target shooting. Reckless shooting will cause the closing of the range.
- Eye and ear protection are required.
- All members and guests must sign in (2 quests per member max).
- Members are responsible for their guests at all times, while on WSSC grounds.
- Members have priority on the range.
- Shooting hours: 8:00am to 10:00PM ( except for special events)
- Pick up your hulls and trash when finished shooting.
- Any violation will result in range suspension.